Foothill Bible Church of Elderwood

Woodlake, California -

Phone: 559 972 4672

Our Church:

Foothill Bible Church of Elderwood is seeking a Senior Pastor to continue providing biblical teaching, pastoral care, and leadership to accomplish our mission: To Know, Serve, and Share Jesus Christ. Since FBCE is unique in being a rural church that serves more than one community, it is expected that the Senior Pastor share the burden with the laity, to be mobile and available to evangelize in our communities, and to establish FBCE as a lighthouse and refuge.


We are led by our board of Elders. The guiding principle for decision-making is that of unanimity. Ministry Coordinators manage specific areas of ministry including Worship, Youth, Adult, Outreach, Missions, Stewardship, Care, and Fellowship, reporting through the Senior Pastor to the Elder Board.     


FBCE originated from a group of believers who wanted to be involved with a fellowship, as described in Acts 2:42: Believers who devote themselves to Godly teaching and fellowship. This group started meeting in June of 1996 and after several weeks it was evident that there was more than enough interest in starting a new church. In 2000 FBCE acquired its own property located in the community of Elderwood.


At present, FBCE has nearly 90 members, which includes approximately 45 families. Many in the congregation, as well as the community, are involved with agriculture.


We consider ourselves a commuter church, because over half of the congregation commutes from 15-30 minutes. Our weekly ministries include: Sunday morning worship service (with children’s church), home Bible studies, and youth ministries (AWANA and 4:12 Youth). 


Elderwood is located on the east side of Tulare County which is in Central California, and part of the San Joaquin Valley where the foothills rise into the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range and enjoys a panoramic view of them. Elderwood sits at the crossroads of the Giant Forest in Kings Canyon National Park and the Sequoia National Park. Elderwood is a bedroom community to Woodlake, Exeter, and Visalia.